
September 27, 2011

Construction Birthday Treats: Oreo Truffles

Have you guys seen some of those birthday parties on the internet that are pretty much beyond incredible?  If you haven’t, take a quick gander at Kara’s Party Ideas.  Uh-mazing.

I really wanted to do a big production like that…. but, here’s my *very* scaled down version:


That caterpillar, is scooping some oreo truffles!!  I first saw the idea from this construction party.  These “boulders” were a fun addition to the party, and enjoyed by all.  I mean, who wouldn’t love Oreos mixed with cream cheese, and dipped in chocolate?


Oreo Truffles recipe adapted from Kraft  makes around 48 1-inch truffles

8 oz Cream Cheese, softened

1 16 oz  pkg. Oreo Cookies, finely crushed (should make about 4-1/4 cups), divided

Candy Melts (I used chocolate, but I think vanilla might be even better, more of a contrast of flavors)

  • Mix cream cheese and 4 cups of the cookie crumbs together until combined.
  • Shape mixture into balls, chill. ( I did different sizes to go with the whole ‘boulder’ theme)
  • Melt your candy melts according to package directions.
  • Dip chilled balls into chocolate to coat, then sprinkle with remaining crumbs.
  • Let set up in fridge until ready to serve (about an hour).



  1. OK seriously? NO CHILD deserves that party. No offense to anyone or anything. If my wedding looks half that detailed or intricate I will be one happy camper.
    On a lighter note — I love the 'boulders'! Super cute and I'm sure quite delicious!

  2. I love the construction party striped cake and Oreo truffles!! Awesome job!! I plan to do something similar for my son's 2 year birthday. I disagree with Carmen. I think EVERY CHILD deserves to feel special every day especially on their birthday.

  3. Elizabeth, Carmen was referring to the website I linked up, did you look at it? The parties are very big, elaborate, and beautiful. Thank you for the compliments! I would love to see pictures of your party!

  4. Seriously! This is so awesome! My little man Harley said "Nummy Nummy Nummy!". LOL! So cute! We are convinced we are making the cake and these choco truffles for his birthday this August. Thanks for sharing. :)

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  6. i love to eat cake on my next weekend I will try to make this same cake
