
October 23, 2011

Candy Corn Popcorn Mix


Remember how I love new seasonal products, like the pumpkin spice marshmallows? Well….  I found these new M&M’s, and knew I needed to use them.  That’s right, White Chocolate Candy Corn M&M’s.  I think they’re really tasty!

The inside is white chocolate, and the candy coating seems to have a slight candy corn flavor.  I think the flavors go well together.

I’ve seen a couple of different popcorn mixes, like this Monster Mash one, and decided that popcorn mix was the way to go with these M&M’s!DSC_0589

I had my kids help me with this recipe, it’s easy, and fun, and they loved it.

Candy Corn Popcorn Mix

(this recipe makes quite a bit.  and it’s fairly rich.  feel free to cut it in half!)

8 cups popped corn, buttered and salted as you like (we used an air popper, you can definitely use bagged instead!)

1/2 C candy corn (or more as desired)

1/2 C candy corn M&M’s (or more as desired)

about 1/3 bag white candy melts (I used about 1/2 bag, it was a little too much)

Orange & Yellow candy melts to drizzle on top

As you can see, this is a very specific ratio recipe.  Just kidding – it’s pretty much up to your liking! But this is a good place to start.

  • Take your popcorn and make sure all the seeds are out.
  • In a separate bowl, combine candy corn and m&m’s.
  • Melt white candy melts according to package instructions, and pour some on top of the candy. Mix until it’s all coated. (my idea for doing this is to make sure the candies don’t just sink the bottom, but get more incorporated….  I might be crazy)
  • Add the coated candy to your popcorn, pour the rest of the candy melts, and mix it all to combine. 
  • Put into your serving dish. (bowl, platter, whatever you’re thinking)
  • Drizzle with orange and yellow candy melts.
  • If you want, throw it in the fridge to help it harden faster.  We just started eating it :)
  • DSC_0574

    Need a gift idea? How about this mix in a bag?


    Pretty sure someone would be excited to get this! (unless of course they hate candy corn……  I know they exist, because Mr. Fredellicious is one of them!)



    1. love the colors and we count popcorn as a healthy (at least compared to some things) snack!

    2. Add the coated candy to your popcorn, pour the rest of the candy melts, and mix it all to combine. cotton razai price in pakistan , ready made sofa covers
