The first time I made cake bites was 2 years ago for my mom’s surprise birthday party. They were pretty good. Cake pops are sweet. cake+frosting+candy coating= 3xsweet. So since then, I have experimented (a lot), and thanks to this blog, I had my best inspiration. She talks about how it doesn’t have to be frosting, it just has to be a binder, something to make the cake stick together. So I tried whipping cream. ding ding ding we have a winner!

Of all the combinations I’ve tried, chocolate cake with whipping cream is by far my favorite.
Fredellicious Cake Pops
1 Chocolate Cake (betty crocker devil’s food)
3/4 C +/- whipping cream
vanilla candy melts
To start, make a cake according to box directions in a 9x13”. I like to use Betty Crocker Devil’s Food, but other chocolate cakes are yummy too. Cool cake completely. Want to cool it quicker?

After letting it sit for about 10 min in the pan, dump it out and quarter it. It doesn’t even matter if it doesn’t come out perfectly, you’re just going to crumble it all up anyway!

When it’s cooled crumble it all into a big bowl.

Then start adding the cream. I use Great Value heavy whipping cream, which seems to be extra heavy. Other creams may be less thick, so you wouldn’t need as much. So add just a bit (1/4 C) at a time so you don’t add too much.
I start with a spoon to mix it, but then I just use my hands, it’s much easier to get it all mixed up.

You want it so that when you grab a blob it holds its shape and sticks together.
Once you’re at that point, you can start rolling balls! I like to use a tablespoon to measure.
and I put them in a pie pan, it’s perfect depth, and small enough to fit in my freezer.
I let them cool in my freezer for about 1/2 hour.
While they’re cooling, I melt my candy melts. I use the vanilla flavor. 1/2 power, stirring every 30 seconds until the whole bowl is smooth. Then I let it sit for a couple of minutes, because you don’t want it too hot.

Dip the stick into the candy melt, then into the ball. This will help the ball stay on the stick.

dunk the ball into the bowl of candy melts, and coat the ball completely.
rotating your cake pop over the bowl, letting the excess drip off. Then place the stick into your foam and let it harden completely (I use the top of a styrofoam cooler that I poked holes into)

and there you go!

you can add sprinkles before the candy melt sets

or this one, I dipped a fork in the white melts and drizzled it over the top for a different look.
Don’t have sticks or feel like buying them? No problem. make cake bites, it’s just a little different
Instead of a lollipop stick, I use a skewer (you can use fondue forks, or whatever you have)

Dip the ball into the melts until Almost coated. Then let the excess drip off.

then I lean the skewer against a plate to let the coating harden before pulling it off the skewer. (if you want to add sprinkles do it before the melts harden!) This works best if you have 2 skewers going, so while this one is setting, you can dip another.

Then put em on a plate and drizzle candy melts on top!
If you’ve heard of cake pops, you’ve probably heard of Bakerella. She’s pretty darn amazing. She did a video tutorial of cake pops, I thought I would share!